Updates from Letty – Jan 21, 2016

I hope everyone is staying warm and your preparations for the weekend blizzard are going well. What happened this week? Monday’s Council Meeting This past Monday’s City Council meeting was mainly a closed session with the School Board to discuss the George Mason/MEH project. Before the closed session, Council did […]

Updates from Letty – Jan 14, 2016

What happened this week? Mason Row If you haven’t heard or read already, City Council passed Mason Row by a 6-0 vote. Thank you to everyone who engaged positively and provided feedback throughout a very long process! I was especially heartened to see new voices speak up and get involved. The proposal we voted on […]

City Council approves Mason Row 6-0 – Letty’s thoughts

After many years of debate, citizen comment, and eight iterations of the project, City Council last night approved the 2nd reading of the Mason Row project. This will bring a large mixed use development to the west end of town – including the largest commercial mix the City has had to date, […]

Updates from Letty – Jan 8, 2016 edition

Happy new year! I hope 2016 has been off to a great start for you. New Mayor & Vice Mayor City Council held its first meeting of the year this past Monday night, which consisted of an organizational meeting to select the new mayor and vice mayor, appointments […]