Updates from Letty – Feb 26, 2016

I attended fewer meetings this week, but most were lengthy- including the Council retreat last Saturday and a marathon 5 hour City Council meeting Monday night, 4 hours of which was in closed session with the School Board discussing the GM/MEH project. Read on to find out what we heard from the community […]

Updates from Letty – Feb 19, 2016

This week’s City Council work session was all about the big H – Housing. We had a large citizen turnout – representatives from the Housing Commission, Human Services Advisory Council, the faith community, and family members came out in support of the discussion on the Miller House. The TL;DR (too long; didn’t […]

Updates from Letty – Feb 11, 2016

It’s been a busy week with three nights of City meetings this week, so many updates to follow. Make sure you get to the links at the bottom and take 10 minutes to provide your input on surveys that will shape the City Council’s work plan, upcoming CIP budget, and […]

Updates from Letty – Feb 5, 2016

Due to Snowzilla, last week’s City Council meeting was canceled. I hope everyone fared the blizzard well and has started to dry out. We did resume meetings this week, so many updates to follow: What happened this week? City Council Work Session: We had a City Council worksession where our outside auditors briefed […]