Updates from Letty – December 16, 2016

We wrapped up the last City Council meeting of 2016 this week, so my update emails will also be on break until 2017. In between holiday parties – this is a good time to catch up if you haven’t gotten to some of the recent meaty topics yet. What can we […]

Updates from Letty – December 9, 2016

As expected, it was a packed week full of City meetings and important topics – we had a lengthy joint work session with the School Board covering a spectrum of money matters, several economic development-related meetings and updates, and another GMHS campus working group meeting. Whether you are a perennial […]

Updates from Letty – December 2, 2016

As we wrap up the calendar year, the last few weeks will be packed with city business. This week’s City Council meeting was full of interesting, important topics. Read on for my recap of a briefing VDOT gave us on the I-66 lane widening/tolling project that is happening right at our […]