Updates from Letty – October 28, 2022

This week’s post will be short but important. At the beginning of our meeting this week, we discussed our full support of the School Board’s public comments to Virginia in response to the Governor’s proposed model policies that seek to rollback privacy protections and treatment of transgender students. I share […]

Updates from Letty – October 21, 2022

Thank you for all the responses following last week’s post about the Founders Row theater – I’m glad it was helpful in dispelling the common misunderstandings about how the tax sharing will work. This week’s post is continuing on the theme of dollars and cents. You may be hearing that […]

Updates from Letty – October 14, 2022

This week, we cast several votes that move us closer to the completion of Founders Row – we agreed to the final economic development agreement (aka, tax sharing) to bring in Paragon Theaters. The votes, as evident by the 7-0 and 6-0-1 tallies, were less controversial than thought, but I’ll […]