Updates from Letty – July 26, 2024

Lots to share this week – updates on the housing front (accessory dwellings and affordable homeownership), touring the newly opened Broad & Washington building, and updates on capital projects underway across the city and coming soon. And shout out to the new readers from the 455 Tinner Hill building! I enjoyed my visit with you earlier this week and the opportunity to hear what’s on your minds. I’m happy to do “town hall” […]

Updates from Letty – July 19, 2024

Besides discussion in our work session about parking code changes, our 2 year priorities and work plan, and brick sidewalks — this week, the long-awaited news about the anchor grocery store at West Falls (the 10 acre project adjacent to the secondary schools campus) was shared. Believe it or not […]

Updates from Letty – July 12, 2024

While we had no meeting this week with the Fourth of July holiday, there is plenty to share and get on your calendars. There is a lot of work underway across the city so this should be an informative, popular post about new stuff happening around town – from private […]

Updates from Letty – June 28, 2024

After a week off, City Council was back in session this week, so I’ll share updates on bike route community meetings and the concept of “Complete Streets” and the new Tinner Hill District, and new legislation from Richmond that goes into effect July 1. While my posts will be a […]

Updates from Letty – June 7, 2024

With the last day of school here, I’m going to keep it light this week. There is a lot of activity with projects around town so I’ll share photos and highlights, as well as the Community Center HVAC upgrade and renovation that will start this fall – read on as […]

Updates from Letty – May 24, 2024

It’s been a big week for public art and economic development – we’ve had one new mural go up in the city and another is now underway! I’m thrilled to see continued public and private investment in making our City more vibrant every year. On the economic development front, ICYMI […]

Updates from Letty – May 17, 2024 (final budget edition)

It’s been a big week — we welcomed a huge commercial real estate tour to Falls Church, I received my first invitation to the White House, we celebrated important women of Falls Church past and present, we kicked off Asian American Pacific Islander Month with our first celebration at City […]

Updates from Letty – May 10, 2024

With rain in the forecast, I’m moving my walking office hours to Monday at 12 pm, Cherry Hill Park. I’d welcome any final budget comments either in person or via email as we approach the finish line on Monday night. We’ve had a good budget season with a lot of […]

Updates from Letty – May 3, 2024 – budget edition #4

We’re in the final two weeks of budget season. Thank you for all the input we’ve received – we’ve held several town halls, office hours, discussed at length in a marathon 5 hour meeting this week, and listened and read your public comments. On Monday, we’ll be in our “mark […]

Updates from Letty – April 19, 2024 – budget edition #3

It’s a busy time of year with budget season in full swing and spring activities underway. This weekend, join the City Council and the community in the spring clean up, Arbor Day celebrations, and more. Two main topics this week: Happy spring, Letty What Happened This Week: (1) FY25 Budget […]

Updates from Letty – April 12, 2024 – budget edition #2

Did you get to experience the eclipse on Monday? I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to share in the wonder from Cleveland, Ohio – a memorable human experience and momentary pause from all that is going on in the world. Eclipse or not, city business – especially during budget […]

Updates from Letty – April 5, 2024 – budget edition #1

After a spring break recess, it’s now budget season! We kicked off the week with the City Manager’s presentation of the FY25 Operating Budget and the Capital Improvement program (CIP). Over the next 6 weeks, City Council will meet weekly or more to dig into the details and listen to […]