Thank you for your support to re-elect Letty. Even campaigns in the Little City cost money – from yard signs to doorknocking literature, know that every dollar you contribute will go towards re-electing a strong, smart leader whom we trust to continue leading Falls Church forward. Letty has decided to cap donations at $100 per person, so that everyone can invest in the future of the City of Falls Church.
You can make a donation to the campaign either by mail or online:
Please send check payable to:
125 S. Spring St.
Falls Church, VA 22046
Please provide your name, address, occupation, and name and address of employer along with your check for reporting purposes.*
Please fill out the form on the left and hit “Donate with PayPal” which will direct you to PayPal to process your payment. (Minimum online donation is $25)
If you have difficulties or have questions about the online donation option, please send us an email at or text/call us at (703) 969-0063.